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About Me

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Hello, my name is Simone, welcome to my blog.

I am a channelling medium and a lightworker and I channel messages from beings in the 5th Dimension and above. The messages I receive are to help humanity to prepare to reach the 5th Dimension, along with our beautiful Mother Earth. 

I have been asked by Spirit to share their messages with you and I reproduce them here exactly as I received them.


I will update and change the messages regularly and hope that they resonate with you and help you as much as they help me.

With love and light,


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Latest Blog Post

I Am The Light, The Power, I Am All That Is

I am the light. I am the power. I am all that is and I am speaking to you today from my voice in spirit.


It is so important that we gather, are gathering today. That we increase our presence in the world. That the world sits up and listens to us. That the world recognises the importance of thinking right, of doing the right thing, of connecting together, connecting the light, the truth and the energy to move forwards now. This is serious and it is vital.


The Earth is making her way upwards through the Galaxy, through the dimensions. And that energy is growing. It began in individuals and slowly but surely individuals are connecting their energy and the light is increasing across your planet, allowing Planet Earth to rise and we need more troops, we need those who are ready to be working with the light for there are many, but they are not all aware yet of their task in hand.


Keep pushing forward on your path. Do not be deflected from the way ahead. Be serious, be strong and persevere for this is the way ahead for you and for everybody and for Mother Earth and for us.


This final push needs a lot of energy behind it and that energy needs help to be able to be released, to be recognised, acknowledged and to have the momentum that it needs to bring everybody, everything, into being in the Fifth Dimension. We are ready to receive you and we are very excited to do this.


And I will leave you now with this information and say thank you for listening today. God bless.

Click below to listen to the recording

I am the Light, The Power (1)
00:00 / 04:14
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Further Blog Posts:

Messages from Spirit

Take Time to Breathe
Look Within for Your Strengths
You are Attracting Many Beings
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The 5th Dimension

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To read channelled messages about the Ascension and the 5th Dimension from those who reside in the higher realms, please click below...



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Follow the Light in Your Heart

Don't think that we are unaware of your disappointments and hardships, and the fears that possess you. We in spirit know that you have tests. We know that the physical body is not always as fit and perfect as it could be. We know that the material conditions in your life can be irksome. We are so attuned to you, our brother, that we absorb your feelings. We know the problems and the difficulties; but we would reassure every one of you that if you will truly follow the light within your heart, all will be well.

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