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From Archangel Michael

I am Archangel Michael and I have come to speak to you today about angelic beings and the angelic realm.


We are known as God’s messengers and we bring messages from the Divine to help humankind. We walk with you. We walk amongst you. We listen to your thoughts. We know you inside-out and we are here to support you in anyway that we possibly can.


We have great respect for mankind, for the way that you love. Your capacity for goodness. Your ability to help each other along the way. And we know that you have choices in life. Many times in the day you will have a choice to make. Some choices may seem trivial. Some choices are extremely big because they will affect your life going forwards and we ask that you speak to us often so that we may guide your way. So that we may help you to make those decisions. Ultimately, of course, it is your choice as to what you do next and we do not influence that because you have free will and that is meant to be, but we see you striving, persevering, putting your heart and soul into things that you believe in and we are with you every step of the way.


Humankind is so multifaceted and has so many gifts available to each and every one of you and it is our purpose to help you to bring those gifts to the fore and to use them in a way that will bless you and those around you and beyond. So, please reach out to us often.


If you wish, you can study as to what each of us is about and how we work, and that will give you greater understanding of who we are and why we are here. But, ultimately, the answers are all within you. All you have to do is to sit quietly and go within and we will be there speaking to you, quietly, reasoning with you. Helping you to see many sides of a story so that you can make your decisions confidently, sure in the knowledge that these decisions that you make will help you and in helping you they will make you a happier individual and you will have more to give out and the whole of humanity will benefit from this.


And so I will leave it here. Ask and I will be speaking to you. I will be present whenever you come to read my words and whenever you ask for me, I will be with you. Please know that.


Thank you and I will step back now.

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