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About Me

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Hi, I am Simone


I have been interested in the spiritual realms for most of my life and have had many extraordinary spiritual experiences. In around 1994, and in a most unlikely way, I came across a book by White Eagle, channelled and produced by his medium, Grace Cook, and became entirely engrossed in the many books which followed, which were produced by the White Eagle Lodge in Hampshire ( I was totally enthralled and really liked the way the books were written, their messages and the simple way in which profound truths were relaid to us, the readers.


In 2013 I began to sit in circle and in 2018 I attended the Arthur Findlay college in Stansted a number of times to further explore my mediumship abilities. I then joined a spiritualist church and sat weekly in their open circle until lockdown in 2020 and I continue to sit in circle now that life has returned to ‘normal’.


When Covid arrived and we went into lockdown, I contacted a healing group to ask if I could do anything to help the world at that time and was invited to join a twice-weekly Earth Healing Group. The Group then expanded to also include a daily channelling session in which participants channelled the words of ‘Fast Trackers’ ie. those who were returning to Earth to help humanity at this time. Those in spirit would tell us of their previous lives, what they had learned in that life and the good things they would be coming down to do in their next life. I found their information fascinating and was amazed to find that I could also channel messages similar to those I had read and heard over the past 28 years and I found this to be humbling and also an honour. The Group then expanded further to channel messages about the ascension and became known as the 'Ascension Channellers Group'.


I find the words channelled by spirit, which I have read and heard from fellow channellers and also those that have come through myself, to be such a great help and comfort as I journey through this life with it’s ups and downs, confusions, doubts and many questions and have found their messages to be a mainstay for me many times in my life.


When spirit asked me to produce this blog so that you can receive their information too, I was more than happy to do so and hope that you enjoy the messages as much as I do channelling them.


With love and light,



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