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From Lord Ashtor

Introducing the Galactic's:


Good morning. This is Lord Ashtar.


I have come to introduce those from other planets and other systems within your galaxy and other galaxies this morning and to tell you that we are here and have been here for many, many thousands of years, watching your planet and those who have inhabited her, together with those who have returned time and time again to help planet Earth, to work with planet Earth and to love planet Earth as much as we do.


At times we have come down to help humanity, to impart our knowledge, to ensure that the growth of their vibration accelerates and to help humanity to become and to help humanity to exist in a happier, more solid situation.


It is important to us that you rise in your vibrations and reach the 5th dimensional vibration so that we can welcome your planet into our 5th vibrational planetary system, which is where she belongs. Therefore, we visit often and are able to communicate with certain beings on your planet, to walk amongst you, always, always in a helpful manner.


We are here to welcome you as our brothers and our sisters and to help you to reach the vibration on which you can connect and communicate and accept the many different species that exist within your universe, and indeed many other universes.


And so we come through today to ask that you become aware of us, if you are not already, and know that we come in peace and joy and love and have only the very best intentions for each and everyone of you. Indeed, you can speak to us in your mind as well and you may not be consciously aware of a response, but please know that we are listening and we are working, alongside the angels, to provide what is best for you in order to help you to keep moving forwards and upwards.


So we will leave it there and we will communicate with you regularly on the pages of this blog and also in many other different ways on your internet and also, when you look within.


We say thank you for listening and we will step back now.

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