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Take a Step Back...

Good morning. I am here to visit you from Lemuria this morning and it gives me great joy to be here with you.


Your life can be so confusing sometimes. You don't know which way to go, which direction to take. Maybe your goal is not clear in your mind. And it is at these times that we ask that you take a step back and really think about what it is you are trying to achieve at these times. What will really help you, or what will help others, and really listen to that information that comes through for you to act upon, or maybe to not act upon.


It is so important that you are true to yourself in your life for you know what is best for you and sometimes that information is not easily accessible, which is why you need to step back and really tune in to hear, or to feel, or maybe to see within a visualisation what will help you the most.


Moments of confusion are here to enable us to stop and to grow. To stop, to breathe and to develop ourselves by doing what feels right to us at the time, for sometimes our minds can become complicated. They can throw us off in directions that keep us turning in circles rather than moving forwards and it is in the stopping and the listening that the loop becomes severed so that we can move forwards.


And so just be aware at those times if you feel confused, a little baffled, a little unsure as to where to go next or what to do next, that the thing to do is just to be. To stop and to go within, and there you will find all your answers.


And with that I will step back now and say thank you so much for listening. God bless.


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