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You are Attracting Many Beings...

Updated: May 31

Good morning. Yes, we would like to come through to speak today and we thank you for

receiving us.

We are watching your planet closely and we really like what we see as your light is lifting and growing within your planet. You are attracting many beings who are very interested and are noticing you more and more and coming to watch the great things that are occurring across your planet.

The beings that are watching understand that certain things need to happen in order for Planet Earth to rise and also they understand that it is, maybe, a difficult process for those who are living on Planet Earth for change is always difficult and is something that humankind does not readily accept and so this is why this is a relatively slow process in your eyes.

There are also many decisions being made by those on Planet Earth as to which roads they should take, which way they should follow, what they want to hold onto and what they are happy to let go of and this process is also an enormous process for each person to go through.

And so we thought we would come through today just to tell you that the difference is being noted far and wide in your Galaxy and many other galaxies. You are all being supported and good wishes are being sent to each and every one of you, together with the energy required to withstand the change that is happening and to enable you to have the state of mind in which you can make these deep decisions and commitments that are required for you to be able to move with Planet Earth as she rises. We are cheering you on.

And with that we will step back and leave you with our love this morning. Good bless.


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