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Raise Your Vibration...

Good morning. I come from Lemuria this morning to speak with you and it gives me great delight to be here.


I would like you to know that there is so much goodness on your planet, both within your planet and upon the surface, and you all have so much to look forward to. And sometimes, this can become lost in your visions of the future.


It is easy to become dismayed, to look to the future with a heavy heart with all the changes that are occurring in your world – be it through nature, through mankind’s actions or through your thoughts and feelings connected to the greater consciousness of negativity that prevails across your world.


Please become more aware of yourself, more aware of what is going on for you in a positive way and this is when you need to silence the outside world so that you can focus inwards, and in focusing inwards, you realise what you are in control of, what you can do with your life in a good way, in a positive way and how you can change your environment and the area around you to reflect all the goodness that is within you, for it is all there, you just need sometimes to stop and to allow yourself to tune into the goodness – that energy that is around you everywhere.


Raise your vibration to reach that energy when you are feeling depleted or low, for it will help you so much.


And so that is what I came through to say today, to say that so many are with you even though you may not be aware of it and those that are with you are providing you with the best possible energy that they can omit to help you to raise your vibration and rise above that band of negativity surrounding your planet.


And with that I will step back. Thank you for listening.


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