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5th Dimension all about?

What is the  


Good morning Simone. I'm glad you asked this question and it is the Lord Kuthumi come to speak through you this morning and to give your answer.


Humankind is doing very well with its handling of the journey to the 5th Dimension. All is going as it should do.


Your lives are changing quite drastically in some cases and you are all having to adapt to the new energies as they reach Planet Earth and you are all adapting in your own particular ways and sometimes this may feel quite difficult for some. They may experience tiredness, they feel more stressed, they may feel irritable, angry or just worried about the changes that are happening that they are aware of, but that they cannot stop. And so there will be all these kinds of reactions occurring as people are waking up and people are realising that things are changing, but they won't know what they are changing to and that will create the stress and maybe the discombobulation.


And so, I ask that you all take a calm attitude to your lives, that you enable yourselves to step back and to breathe and to observe rather than trying to get into the fray and trying to control and change things, for the more you try to do that the more frustrated you will become. This is a time for stepping back. This is a time for watching. This is a time for discovering your real selves, your true selves, for understanding the person that you are and in understanding the person that you are you will then find that light that will guide you to the person that you will become, for these changes are effecting everybody and they are bringing you back to your core, to your beginning, to your true self, although it may not seem like it all the time.


And when you become aware of yourself as a 5th Dimensional being, as you are entering this energy, you will then begin to see the positives in your life more clearly. You will understand that we are going through a change and you will welcome that change for you will not be frightened any more. You will understand that you are moving into a much better arena, that you are feeling much better about things around you and about people around you. You are able to understand that people are going through the same shifts as you are, and have been going through, and so you will feel more tolerant towards people. You will feel more comfortable standing at the sidelines and not putting yourself in the middle to try and sort things out for this is a collective experience and you will be also having this individual experience, but you will all be moving in the same direction, albeit at different speeds, at different levels of consciousness.


You will also be aware of the beauty around you in God’s world, that has been provided for you to enjoy, for as you step back you will feel that you have more time and in having more time you will discover the beauty in nature, the beauty in architecture, the beauty in people, the beauty in the animals that are around you, for there is so much beauty on Earth and humankind has been so busy for so long, rushing forwards, that they have not had the time to stop and breathe and discover the beautiful world that is around them. You will find that you are more relaxed about events and your part in those things that do not concern you. You will find that you are able to sleep better, to breathe better, to feel more centred, more balanced within the world and that will be a welcome change for you.


You are moving into a beautiful time and difficulties you may be experiencing, or the harshness of the world you may be aware of, are growing pains, are necessary occurrences that are here to awaken you, to cause you to dig deeper, to help you to understand a better way of being and of living. They need to catch your eye, they need to bring out your compassion, to bring out your heart-centeredness and you can start reading the world from a place in your heart rather than purely from your head and that, in itself, will be so rewarding for you.


And so I will leave it there and I will say thank you for listening and for taking the time to hear what I have been saying. And with that I will step back. God bless.

The Ascension

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We are here to talk to you today about the ascension of your planet and to teach you what it is you need to know in order to move upwards with Gaia as she ascends to the 5th Dimension.


All dimensions are of energy and that energy vibrates at different levels according to the vibration of the planet. Planet Earth, when she was a 3rd Dimensional planet, vibrated a lot more slowly than we do at the 5th. You are now working through the 4th Dimension and heading towards the 5th, so the vibration of the planet has heightened quite a lot and there are a lot of beings on planet Earth who are vibrating at a much faster level and are ready and willing to move up to the 5th Dimension with planet Earth, and we are so pleased to see that.


We have been watching humankind through many, many years as the beings of your Earth open themselves to enlightenment and accelerate their vibration so that they can bring in their many gifts that they have used in past lives – gifts that have gone before, which need a faster vibration in which to be activated. Now many will find these gifts are activating and they are moving towards an enlightened way of feeling, of thinking and of being, and we commend each and everyone of you who are making these adjustments now, who are experiencing these realisations now, who are studying and learning a new way of being and who are also surrendering their old thought patterns, behaviour, ways of being, in order to bring in the light, to focus on a higher way of being which is open to all, but only certain beings will be aware and also open to receiving. We would also like to add that there are many on your planet who are not aware of enlightenment but are indeed enlightened beings and they are doing amazing things for humanity.


However, we would like to say that the ascension process is a very interesting process to go through and there is a lot you can learn about that if you wish to study and we don’t mean just with books, but with your inner mind, your inner eyes – allow yourself to think and to see things differently and in a way that resonates well with you and when you find that resonation within yourself, so you will know that you are walking in the right direction.


And please, always remember that we are at your side. If you have a question, ask and listen for the answer. It may not come straight away, it may come little bit later, but it will come. We will get that information to you. We will answer you. All we ask is that you are open to receive and we will support you in whatever way we can. We will also place messages on this blog regularly for you to read, that you can tune into, and that will also help your many different energies – they will heighten your vibration, we would like to say.


And so we ask that you go in peace and joy and be the best that you can be. We leave you now with light and love and we step back.

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